Welcome at Gourmanderie Moléson

our credo




no trans fats

animal welfare

no industrial additives

comme il est difficile d'être simple

In Berne's traffic free Aarbergergasse quarter, just five minutes from the parlament house and main station, lies the Gourmanderie Moléson.


The gourmet menu entices you with real culinary pleasures. Grandma's market fresh meals with Swiss veal Cordon Bleu, Emmentaler rack of lambFrench free range chicken, AOC certified Charolais beef and Swiss Farmer Veal, fresh seasonal fish, certified AOC swiss cheese fondue AOP from Gruyère and crispy Alsatian pies.


All our meat comes from animals that were raised in their correct natural environment. All dishes are prepared from start to finish in our kitchen including our desserts. We are proud that all of our meals are prepared without any factory products.


The restaurant is devided into three separate dining spaces where all meals are served. Experience the ambiance of a classic Brasserie in the Gourmanderie. The Petit Moléson swings with the rhythm of a Parisien Bistro. The Greyerzerstube with its original old wooden finish is perfect for bankets with twenty to thirty guests. In the summer time, enjoy your meal under large umbrellas on grand oldstyle furniture and feel the atmosphere of a Bernese old town street.


Our place is the meeting point for local politicians, artists, business people and romantic connaiseurs.

In Moléson you don't eat, you feast!


Bernie & Sue Hüsser, Denis Vrankulj Assistent Manager, Niklas Marinkas, Assistent Manager, Ariane Leuenberger, Executive Chef and the Moléson Team

Bernie Husser
Bernie Husser

We only use regenerative power sources! Beacause we feel us responsible for the next generations ...


Gourmanderie Moléson

Aarbergergasse 24 / Speichergasse 21

3011 Bern


Tel:  +41 (0)31 311 44 63


    Wir schliessen unser Lokal definitiv ab 27. März 25 und gehen in Pension!


Heute Abend ausgbucht!


We are definitely closing our restaurant from March 27th and retiring!


Tonight we are fully booked!



     Bitte bewerten Sie uns!

Käsefondues aus AOP Greyerzer & Vacherin, Bild anklicken und geniessen ...
Käsefondues aus AOP Greyerzer & Vacherin, Bild anklicken und geniessen ...

        Seit 1998  kochen wir damit!